Legal Studies: the U.S. Supreme Court Docket

The power of the American Judiciary -- particularly the power of the U.S. Supreme Court -- is exercised not through policy changes or statements on broad principles, but through decisions about concrete cases involving real-world people and entities. Thus, the study of law is richest when it, too, contemplates the law through the pin-hole of a concrete, real case. Likewise, this course will focus on a single currently unresolved case from the live 2021-2022 docket of the Supreme Court of the United States. Our primary course materials will come from the court's docket, including party briefs, amicus briefs, and the Joint Appendix of facts. On the basis of what we find there, we will explore our case and the controversy it represents, digging into both the factual and legal background. Ultimately, each student will take a position on how best to resolve the case we study. We will conclude with in-class mock oral argumentation; all course assignments are steps that prepare students for that final, major assignment.

Session One
at the time of application
Scheduled Class Time*

08:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PDT)

*The course will meet for two hours daily (Monday–Friday) for a live online class during this window of time. The third hour is used for online office hours. Students will be admitted to and attend just one course section and time. The exact course time and office hour schedule will be set closer to the start of the program. In addition to the live meeting times, students complete out-of-class learning assignments such as assigned readings, group work, pre-recorded online lectures, and more.