This course explores the events of World War II, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Movement through the films Saving Private Ryan; The Imitation Game; Dunkirk; Oppenheimer; Dr. Strangelove or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb; Forrest Gump; Thirteen Days; Mississippi Burning; Lincoln; 42 ; and The Butler. In addition to analyzing the history of these historical eras through film, students also explore the history of cinema: from the Golden Age of Hollywood to New Hollywood and the rise of global blockbusters and contemporary film. At the end of the course, students present a research topic related to one of the films covered in class.
Film Studies: WWII, the Cold War, and the Civil Rights Movement
Arts | Social Science | WritingLive Meeting Time*
08:00 AM - 11:00 AM (PDT)
Session One
*The course will meet for two hours daily (Monday–Friday) for a live online class during this window of time. The third hour is used for online office hours. Students will be admitted to and attend just one course section and time. The exact course time and office hour schedule will be set closer to the start of the program.
Asynchronous Homework Time
The approximate amount of time participants should plan to spend on assignments and projects outside of live class time.
Parents and legal guardians consent to their participant viewing and discussing films rated PG-13 and above upon enrollment.
Supplies: Students will need to secure access to the films for viewing outside of class.