Top Admissions Questions
Is there a way to receive an admissions decision early?
Is there a way to receive an admissions decision early?
No. Due to the volume of applications received, we are not able to offer any admissions decisions before the designated notification date. Our Admissions Committee reviews applications in a holistic manner, and must review all applications to determine final admission decisions. All applicants will be notified of their admissions decision on the designated notification date.
When will applicants know if they have been admitted to a Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies program?
When will applicants know if they have been admitted to a Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies program?
Applicants can check the Admissions Page on our website to find the anticipated notification date. All applicants will be notified of their admissions decision on the designated notification date. Admission decisions are sent via email to each applicant.
What does a wait list decision mean?
What does a wait list decision mean?
A wait list decision means that the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies course you have applied to is currently full and you may be contacted if space becomes available. Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies Admissions does not release information regarding your position on the wait list. You will be notified when all courses are full, and we are no longer able to offer you placement in the program. If you would like to be released from the wait list, please visit your Student Page.
May students enroll in more than one session?
May students enroll in more than one session?
No. Students may only attend one Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes session (and thus one course) per summer. If admitted, students may attend one session in one of our other programs if that session does not overlap with the Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes session to which they have been admitted.
How are students selected to attend Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes? Are there requirements other than the required materials on the application?
How are students selected to attend Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes? Are there requirements other than the required materials on the application?
Students are admitted through a competitive application process, which involves the evaluation of grades, samples of student work, and reasons for wanting to attend Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes. Students in the program attend only one course, and online applications are reviewed for admission to the particular course(s) to which the student is applying. The admissions committee seeks applicants who demonstrate both academic talent and a passion for learning in the subject areas to which they are applying.
Stanford Pre-Collegiate Summer Institutes is for students in grades 8–11 at the time of application submission. Individual courses have unique grade restrictions, which you can learn more about our Courses page.
Additional Admissions Questions
Will participants have the opportunity to speak to someone in the Office of Undergraduate Admission?
Will participants have the opportunity to speak to someone in the Office of Undergraduate Admission?
While not guaranteed, a representative from the Stanford Office of Undergraduate Admission is typically scheduled to give a presentation to participants during their program. The website for the Stanford Office of Undergraduate Admission lists the opportunities to learn about Stanford or connect with their office.
Can an acceptance be deferred to next year if the applicant cannot attend in the current year?
Can an acceptance be deferred to next year if the applicant cannot attend in the current year?
No. Admission offers to Stanford Pre-Collegiate Studies are valid only for the year in which the decision was given. The program will not defer a participant’s acceptance to a different year. However, declining an offer of admission has no bearing on an applicant's chances for admission in subsequent years.
Can I withdraw from the program?
Can I withdraw from the program?
A student can withdraw prior to the start of the program. The student or parent must notify to request a withdrawal. Requests received after the refund deadline are not eligible for a refund.